Here are my lines:

Position 1: e3 pawn is overloaded. 1... Nxd4 wins a pawn. If 2.exd4 Rxe1 Rxe1 Rxe1 Qxe1 Qxf4+ g3 Qxd4 picks up a 2nd pawn

Position 2: The Q is low on squares to protect the R. 1... Nh7

a) Qd8? Qh4#

b) Qg3 h4 Qxh4 Qe5+ g3 Qxd6

c) f3 Qd4 Qg3 ( Nc2 Qg1+ Kh3 Nxg5) Qxe3 (Note: I messed this line up since Nf5+! wins)

Position 3: I couldn't find anything. I play bxc5 and aim for a draw.

Position 4: Ne5 (threatening Ng6+ Kg8 Rxg7#) Nh5 g4 Nd4 Rf7+ Kg8 gxh5 wins a piece (and Black has no counterplay due to Nxf5 Rxf5 Rd4 Ng6 Rd8 to prevent Rf8+ Kh7 Rh8#)

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Cool idea - I’m going to do them and post my thoughts!

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Great! looking forward to reading your notes

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So this was my attempt at position 1 - I saw Nxd4 and talked myself out of that (incorrectly) and then focused on Nxe3 and decided (again incorrectly) that I’d play that! Chess is very hard! Position 2 tomorrow!

1. Black has more space and white has weak squares around the K - Kh2 is exposed

2. Nf4 is unprotected and after Nxd4 so is Re1, Q is also unprotected on d2, and Rc1 might also be vulnerable

3. What pieces can I improve? Re8 needs a role, and Qg5 needs to be improved

4. Black is strong on the K-side and should play there

5. White can evict Re4 by f3, and also defend g2 at the same time, so we need to act quickly

First idea is Nxd4 - clearly exd Rxe1 Rxe3 Rxe1 Qxe1 Qxf4+ is fine, but Nxh5 and it is murky

Next Idea is Nxe3 fxe Rxe3 Rxe3 Qxf4+ and the Re3 is pinned and en prise -+

Other black candidates replies after Nxe3:

1. Nf4 moves anywhere doesn’t work - Nf1+ wins Qd2 at a minimum -+

2. Rxe3 Qxf4+ g3 Qg5 Rxe4 Qxd2 Rxe8+ Kg7 and the Q should be better given white’s numerous weak pawns (in particular d4, b2 and a2) - anything better tho? Maybe just Qf5 with a clean pawn up

3. Rxe3 Qxf4+ Kh1 Rxe3 fxe Qxe3 wins a clear pawn

4. g3 Nf4 wins a clear pawn

5. Qxe3 Rxe3 fxe3 Rxe3 Rxe3 Qxf4 and the Rc1 is en prise

6. f3 Qxf4+ g3 Qxf3-+

All checks out so I play Nxe3

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1: Nxd4

2: Nh7

3: Nd7+

4: Rxb7

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OK, I'll take a stab at it (analysis in the next comment to avoid spoilers)

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Problem #1: I first looked at 1 ... Nh4 2 Rg1 (2 f3? Rxe3!) Qxg2+ 3 Rxg2 Nf3+ 4 Kh1 Nxd2 5 Nxh5 and white seems to be getting his pawn back. So I would probably play 1 ... Nxd4 2 exd4 Rxe1 3 Rxe1 Rxe1 4 Qxe1 Qxf4+ picking up a couple of pawns.

Problem #2: I'm sorry to say that I spent some time trying to make 1 ... Qe7, with the idea of threatening Ng4+ and Qxd6. I couldn't find an answer to 2 Qf4, but then I saw that 2 Nf5+ is curtains. So instead 1 ... Nh7 2 Qd8 (2 Qg3 h4) 2... Qf4+ seems to win.

Problem #3: I have no idea. All I know is that both 1 Nd7+ Ke7 2 Nxc5 and 1 b5 axb5 2 a6 Nc7 don't seem to get anywhere. If I figure it out I'll add a comment.

Problem #4: It feels like 1 Ne5 should win, although I'm not 100% confident yet. After 1 ... Rd8+ 2 Kh2 one variation is 2 ... g6 3 Rf7+ Ke8 4 Ng7+ picking up the Nf4, another is 2 ... Nd5 3 Rf7+ Ke8 (3 ... Kg8 4 Rxg7+ Kf8 5 Rf7+ Kg8 6 Nxh6+ Kh8 7 Ng6#) 4 Nd6+ Kd8 5 Rd7#

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Nice idea -- I am always looking for good calculation positions.

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Perfect! I hope you like em

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Let me know how it goes :)

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Thanks to those who already have submitted. I will try to include your lines in the solutions I will send out next Friday :)

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