As I continue developing and refining, I want to refocus this newsletter on the fundamental question that drives many of us: how to improve at chess.
Not that I want to try to invent new training methods, but more simply offer a weekly sheet with four positions that we as a community can solve and talk about once a week. The most effective way to improve at chess after all is to do the work.
The positions will be from recent top tournaments, the first editions include positions from the WC Rapid and Blitz from New York. The positions have that in common that there is one best move that was missed during the game. The correct move is not always a tactic and will not always be winning, so remember to evaluate.
To find the positions I have written a small position miner script that runs through the tournament pgn-file and finds moments where an opportunity was missed. I then solved them first to only select interesting (in my opinion) and solvable positions.
If you want to participate do this:
- Open up the pdf and set aside ~10-30 minutes.
- Write down your solutions on a sheet of paper or in the notepad if you solve it on your computer.
- Share the solutions (if you like) and/or read other’s comments below.
I will share the solutions next Friday together with a new sheet. After a couple of weeks, I will evaluate if this will be a more permanent thing.
If you want to help support the newsletter you can start the year with a special offer and get 25% off an annual subscription.
Here are my lines:
Position 1: e3 pawn is overloaded. 1... Nxd4 wins a pawn. If 2.exd4 Rxe1 Rxe1 Rxe1 Qxe1 Qxf4+ g3 Qxd4 picks up a 2nd pawn
Position 2: The Q is low on squares to protect the R. 1... Nh7
a) Qd8? Qh4#
b) Qg3 h4 Qxh4 Qe5+ g3 Qxd6
c) f3 Qd4 Qg3 ( Nc2 Qg1+ Kh3 Nxg5) Qxe3 (Note: I messed this line up since Nf5+! wins)
Position 3: I couldn't find anything. I play bxc5 and aim for a draw.
Position 4: Ne5 (threatening Ng6+ Kg8 Rxg7#) Nh5 g4 Nd4 Rf7+ Kg8 gxh5 wins a piece (and Black has no counterplay due to Nxf5 Rxf5 Rd4 Ng6 Rd8 to prevent Rf8+ Kh7 Rh8#)
Cool idea - I’m going to do them and post my thoughts!