I’ve decided to make TacticsLadder.com completely free to use. Over the past month, I spent a lot of time fixing bugs and speeding up the site, going through more than 10,000 lines of code. It was frustrating at times, but I’m happy to say the site is now better and faster overall.
So, why make it free?
I want the site to grow and reach more people, but I don’t have the time right now to focus on marketing and promotion. Making it free removes barriers for new users and hopefully creates a positive ripple effect as word spreads.
Also, I’m not a professional developer, so there will be some bugs. I felt some pressure to deliver fixes fast when people were paying for memberships. Now that it’s free, with the option to sign up for a support membership, there’s less stress, though I still care about keeping it running smoothly. The stress was not due to the users, who all have been very nice and supportive, but due to my expectations to deliver a good product and service.
In the end, giving back to the community feels good. I appreciate everyone who supports my projects, and I hope this change helps more people find the site and help them improve.
* If you are missing the solutions for the puzzles from #2 Weekly Calculation time → Here
I believe it is a great idea to make it free to the public unless it become a way more popular.
I tested it today (solved 100 puzzles at the easiest part) and the only serious issue for now is the speed of getting into the next puzzle after the last move of the sequence in each puzzle.
Unfortunately the 2-3 moves easy puzzle I solve in 1,5-2 seconds takes 12-15 seconds to switch into the next one. Of course I switched on "auto-mode" that shows next puzzles automatically after the one is solved.
Thank you very much for creating this tool to solve the puzzles in various levels of difficulty.