This week has been a bit challenging for me. I started the new year with a run after a longer break, and afterward, my foot swelled up. I have since experienced random moments of intense pain in the mid-foot followed by periods without any issues. My mental energy this week has been focused on trying to get appointments with an orthopedic surgeon, which hasn't been entirely easy, while trying to walk in a way that wouldn't trigger the pain. However, I finally succeeded today and got some pain relief.
The moral of the story: chess is a much safer activity compared to running...
A second lesson is that when starting a new training activity, ease into it rather than planning to finish an LTR on Chessable or reading Dvoretsky's Endgame Manual from cover to cover. While this won't cause physical pain, it will likely be mentally draining and fail.
#2 Weekly Calculation Time
If you read last week's newsletter, you will know that I restarted the year with some calculation practice. Four positions where the best moves were missed during the game. Now let's look at the solutions for the week one position. If you'd like to solve them first, go here:
I have made some annotations and included the games that the positions arose from, so you can get the full context.
If you're ready to participate in week two and start the year with some calculations and ease into shape - here is the week two sheet:
If you want to participate, follow these steps:
Open the PDF and set aside 10-30 minutes
Write down your solutions on a sheet of paper or in a notepad if you're solving on your computer
Share your solutions (if you'd like) and/or read others' comments below
I will share the solutions next Friday along with a new sheet. As mentioned before this is an experiment to kick off the year, we will see if it stays or evolves as we go.
Finally, thanks to the brave ones who submitted their solutions last week!
Answers in the next comment:
Number 1
1. Bb5 c6xb5
2. c2xc8+ Kf7
3. c8xh8 --> win a bishop
Number 2
1. b5 --> passed pawn, but not sure how to follow
so better try to attack knight and force g6
1. f4 d5
2. b5 d5xe4
3. c3xe4 ...
1. Nc3e2 d6
2. c3 a5xb4
3. c3xb4 Rf8c8
4. Qc3 Bf8
5. Ng3 Nxg3
6. h2xg3 --> open h file
4. ... g6
5. Ng3 Ng6 --> h pawn can advance, or align queen, bishop on a1-h8 diagonal
number 3
1. Rh1 Qf7
2. Kg 1+ Kg7
3. Ng5 f7xd6
4. g5xd6+ --> wins a piece
number 4
1. Ng3
1. ... f4xg3
2. g2xg3 --> final with 1 pawn up?
otherwise not sure what's the best line
1. ... Be3
2. Rf5 Bf4
3. Na5 Bd3
4. Rf6+ Ka7
5. Rf7+