Jun 3, 2021Liked by Martin B. Justesen

Excellent post. I have created a similar journal on Onenote but I use it for the whole game, not just the opening. For each move in the game where I could have made a better move, I snip the position on the board and write beside it what I played and more importantly, 'why' I played it: what were my fears, thoughts, feelings and categorize them as opening, middlegame, endgame, phycological, calculation and tactics and within those categories, I break it down even further. I then, without an engine figure out a better move and will use opening books and engine to determine if I am write. I then record that and 'why' it is a better move. This kind of journaling has helped me tremendously figure out my areas of improvement that are needed. I only do it for 30 minute or preferable longer games, as any shorter time formats don't give me time to scribble some thoughts and feelings down during the game that helps me produce my journal in post analysis.

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