Interesting way of testing solving skills.

For level 9 and 10, I didn’t manage to see the positions at all really. So had no chance to solve them.

The others I solved. But I realized there is a skill in stronger players that helps a lot. Which is to remember the important pieces in a problem and continue to solve it after the seconds are up and you can’t see the board anymore.

Perhaps this type of test, at 5 or 10 seconds could be just that.

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Yes, if you can remember the structure and see the pattern in the split second you can solve for 10 minutes :) So it is really an advantage. I remember a dokumentary with one the polgar sisters where they let a truck pass on the streets while they are doing a interview, and she are then asked to recontruct it, which she does (as I remember it)

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Really interested in the results thus far!

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What level did you reach? :)

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8. Levels 9 and 10 were just too fast to even see.

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I could barely take in the puzzles at these speeds. Often I could see the 'right' move by the time limit, but puzzles often put things way on the other side of the board to trip you up. So I'd see the right move and in my check for traps the time limit would be up. So I would only be about 50% confident I knew the answer. I've played a lot of games and missing that an opponent could make a backwards knight move or a queen move across the board is killer.

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