Welcome to Say Chess!

I’m Martin B. Justesen, and here I write about the world of chess—covering everything from its rich history and book publishing to practical tips for chess improvement. As a passionate chess player and a publisher, I share updates on my book projects and write about the chess topics that interest me.

About me

Ingen tilgængelig billedbeskrivelse.

I picked up chess in my late teens. Twenty years later, I’m an avid chess improver, steadily working towards my goal of achieving a 2000 FIDE rating—currently, I’m at around ~1890. When I’m not writing this newsletter or playing chess, I work as an archivist and enjoy life in Denmark with my wife and our four kids. I hold an MA in History, so I’m also naturally interested in the historical and cultural aspects of chess.

If you want to know more, check out this write-up about my way to a 2000 rating on chess.com:

If you have any ideas or questions you can always reach me at saychess1@gmail.com

The Tactics Ladder. 5,000 puzzles over 10 books published on Amazon.

You can also find me here:

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- Amazon
- Lichess


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Chess writing for the chess improver crowd. Free puzzle book to new subscribers.


Chess puzzle book creator. Writes about chess.