The Dunning-Kruger Effect
Hi everyone,
This is the first newsletter directly to the paid subs (with a preview to all), so first thank you for supporting my publication! I plan to write it weekly with some highlights from my games and some moments from the pits of despair as Kevin from Chess Journeys use to say.
As you might know, I have lately been very interested in learning how to code and making something useful for chess. As in chess, the Dunning-Kruger effect is also present in coding, and I think have hit peak of “mount stupid” gone to the valley of despair, and are now on the slope of enlightenment.
I have realized that it will take significant effort to actually create the chess opening tool I envisioned since I also need to actually run it and fix a ton of bugs.
Do I really want that? No. So for now I will just shelf the project and take it as a learning lesson. A lesson I think I will be able to use for a lot of cool things for the newsletter and also make some book projects better. Actually, I have an idea for this week’s newsletter.
My paternity leave started today and I feel motivated to start studying chess again [in the evening]. The last month or two has been quite hectic trying to finish projects and hand over tasks at my job, so it is nice to finally arrive and have time.
Let us take a look at a rapid game of mine from yesterday and the lessons from it.